How to Contribute to Base R

Cartoon of a code script with a bug (insect) under a magnifying glass

Heather Turner

May 18, 2023

Contributing to R

R is maintained by the R Core Team

Members of the R Community can contribute in various ways:

  • Analysing and fixing bugs
  • Translating R’s messages, warnings and errors
  • Testing pre-release versions of R
  • Developing new features

In this demo we’ll focus on bug fixing!

How you can contribute to a bug

Add a minimal reproducible example (reprex)

For code bugs, it helps to have a minimal reproducible example that demonstrates the bug, using only core R packages.

  • Bug might be specific to a given platform/architecture
  • If you can’t reproduce the bug, may be “worksforme” or fixed in more recent version

Confirm it is a bug

Check the issue really is a bug in base R

  • Is the code working as documented?
  • Is the bug in a contributed package?

Example: Not a Bug


a, b,  c
1, "b", 1
2, "", 2
 , "b", 3
4,    , 4
5, "NA", 5


b,  c
"b", 1
"", 2
"b", 3
   , 4
"NA", 5`

df1 <- read.csv("na1.csv")
df2 <- read.csv("na2.csv")
Error in Ops.factor(df1$b, df2$b) : level sets of factors are different

[1] " "    "    " " b"   " NA" 
[1] ""    "   " "b"

Check reprex in the development version of R (R-devel)

For confimed bugs, we need to check if they are still an issue in the current R development version.

Analyse the issue

Once the bug is confirmed in the development version of R, the bug should be analysed

  • For code bugs: use the reprex to identify the root cause
  • For documentation bugs: review comments/code/references to understand the issue

Discuss how to fix

Once the bug is fully understood, there should be a discussion about how to fix the code/documentation.

  • For code bugs: what the code should do (user interface, statistical approach, etc)
  • For documentation bugs: what should or shouldn’t be documented

Propose a fix

If a member of R Core agrees how to fix a bug, but does not commit to fixing it themselves, you may propose a fix

  • Propose specific changes to code/documentation in the discussion
  • Prepare a patch of the R source files that makes specific changes

How to find a good bug to work on


Screenshot of R's Bugzilla showing an HTML table with the results of a search for open bugs, in order of the most recent change, with the newest at the top.

You do not need account to browse bugs on Bugzilla.

What to look for

Good: a bug report where the next step is clear.

  • A minimimal reproducible example
  • Checking in R-devel
  • A diagnosis
  • A fix

Even better: an R Core member supports the next step in a comment.

What to avoid

  • Too new
  • Too old
  • Commenters disagree on how to fix
  • Someone else is clearly working on it
  • Clearly requires specific expertise you lack

R Core members

When reviewing bug reports, it is helpful to know who is on R Core

Main R Core members active on Bugzilla:

  • Martin Maechler
  • Tomas Kalibera
  • Sebastian Meyer

Triaging bugs exercise

Audience participation!

We will use Vevox to find out what you think about example bug reports.

  • Is it a good first issue?
  • If yes, what is the next step?

Open in a browser.

Enter the code: 116-836-295

(You don’t need to type the dashes).

Bug 18199

Summary: “zapsmall is wrong when vector has Inf”

Bug report:

If a vector contains Inf, all the values but infinite become zero.

zapsmall(c(0.1, 0.01)) # correct
[1] 0.10 0.01
zapsmall(c(0.1, 0.01, Inf)) # incorrect
[1] 0 0 Inf

The report has been open for 13.5 hours without comment.

Bug 17616

Summary: Anomaly with contrast functions


If you supply a contrast function to a factor, results depend on whether you pass the name or the actual function. This applies to C(), contrasts()<-, as well as lm(…., contrasts=list()).

lm(uptake ~ C(Treatment, "contr.treatment"), CO2)
lm(formula = uptake ~ C(Treatment, "contr.treatment"), data = CO2)

C(Treatment, "contr.treatment")chilled  
lm(uptake ~ C(Treatment, contr.treatment), CO2)
lm(formula = uptake ~ C(Treatment, contr.treatment), data = CO2)

C(Treatment, "contr.treatment")2  

A contributor has commented to confirm the bug.

The last comment was a month ago.

Bug 16305

Summary: Seeking more consistent package descriptions and citations


The following command provides a convenient way of citing R packages

> paste(capture.output(print(citation('gdata'),style='latex')),collapse="")
[1] "Warnes GR, Bolker B, Gorjanc G, Grothendieck G, Korosec A, Lumley T, MacQueen D, Magnusson A, Rogers J and others (2014).\\emph{gdata: Various R programming tools for data manipulation}.R package version 2.13.3, \\url{}."

However, some packages cannot be formatted this way [2 examples]

Would it be possible to improve consistency in package descriptions and citations?

  • 1st example demonstrates issue with non-standard author specification in DESCRIPTION
  • 2nd example demonstrates issue with LaTeX commands that require additional packages

Bug has been open for 7 years 9 months

Bug 18362

Summary: head(letters, 1:2) should give better error message

Report from R Core member:

The error messages from checkHT() are really really not nice because they mention checkHT() instead of its caller’s call, e.g.,

head(letters, 1:2)
Error in checkHT(n, dx <- dim(x)) : 
  invalid 'n' - must have length one when dim(x) is NULL, got 2
  • As an extension, also suggests creating an errorCondition() with its own class and points to some existing examples for reference.

A contributor volunteered to work on this, but it is nearly 1 year since they volunteered


Get help finding a good first issue:

Contribution workflow

  1. Find a good issue to work on.
  2. Work on the next step(s).
  3. When you have something useful to contribute add a comment to the report on Bugzilla
    • Use markdown formatting to make it easier to read
    • Optionally add an attachment to share code or output, with a comment to explain what is in the attachment
    • R core is emailed with every comment: avoid trivial comments, e.g. “+1”
  4. Wait for feedback from R Core (anything from hours to months!)

Use the R Contributors Slack #workout-out-loud channel or Office Hours to get help/feedback before posting on Bugzilla.

Getting an account on Bugzilla

If we want to post anything on Bugzilla (make a bug report or comment on one), we need to get an account.

  • Send an e-mail to from the email address that you want to use as your login.
  • In this e-mail, briefly explain why you want an account.
    • This is a basic spam filter, a sentence is enough.

Getting to the root of the issue

Coding Bug Demo: Bug 17863

A 1-factor factor analysis:

test <- factanal(mtcars[, 1:4], factors = 1)

Printing the result



factanal(x = mtcars[, 1:4], factors = 1)

  mpg   cyl  disp    hp 
0.199 0.078 0.120 0.261 

mpg  -0.895 
cyl   0.960 
disp  0.938 
hp    0.859 

SS loadings      3.342
Proportion Var   0.835

Test of the hypothesis that 1 factor is sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 0.5 on 2 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.777 


print(test, sort = TRUE)

factanal(x = mtcars[, 1:4], factors = 1)

  mpg   cyl  disp    hp 
0.199 0.078 0.120 0.261 

[1] -0.895  0.960  0.938  0.859

SS loadings      3.342
Proportion Var   0.835

Test of the hypothesis that 1 factor is sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 0.5 on 2 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.777 

Finding the print method (1)

[1] "factanal"
A single object matching 'print.factanal' was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for print from namespace stats
with value

function (x, digits = 3, ...) 
    cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
    print(round(x$uniquenesses, digits), ...)
    print(x$loadings, digits = digits, ...)
    if (!is.null(x$rotmat)) {
        tmat <- solve(x$rotmat)
        R <- tmat %*% t(tmat)
        factors <- x$factors
        rownames(R) <- colnames(R) <- paste0("Factor", 1:factors)
        if (TRUE != all.equal(c(R), c(diag(factors)))) {
            cat("\nFactor Correlations:\n")
            print(R, digits = digits, ...)
    if (!is.null(x$STATISTIC)) {
        factors <- x$factors
        cat("\nTest of the hypothesis that", factors, if (factors == 
            "factor is"
        else "factors are", "sufficient.\n")
        cat("The chi square statistic is", round(x$STATISTIC, 
            2), "on", x$dof, if (x$dof == 1) 
        else "degrees", "of freedom.\nThe p-value is", signif(x$PVAL, 
            3), "\n")
    else {
        cat(paste("\nThe degrees of freedom for the model is", 
            x$dof, "and the fit was", round(x$criteria["objective"], 
                4), "\n"))
<bytecode: 0x10c0156d0>
<environment: namespace:stats>

Finding the print method (2)

[1] "loadings"
A single object matching 'print.loadings' was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for print from namespace stats
with value

function (x, digits = 3L, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...) 
    Lambda <- unclass(x)
    p <- nrow(Lambda)
    factors <- ncol(Lambda)
    if (sort) {
        mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda))
        ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx)
        mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1
        Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p), ]
    fx <- setNames(format(round(Lambda, digits)), NULL)
    nc <- nchar(fx[1L], type = "c")
    fx[abs(Lambda) < cutoff] <- strrep(" ", nc)
    print(fx, quote = FALSE, ...)
    vx <- colSums(x^2)
    varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
    if (is.null(attr(x, "covariance"))) {
        varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx/p)
        if (factors > 1) 
            varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx/p))
    print(round(varex, digits))
<bytecode: 0x10c031968>
<environment: namespace:stats>

Debugging print.loadings

Error: 'print.loadings' is not an exported object from 'namespace:stats'
print(test, sort = TRUE)
factanal(x = mtcars[, 1:4], factors = 1)

  mpg   cyl  disp    hp 
0.199 0.078 0.120 0.261 
debugging in: print.loadings(x$loadings, digits = digits, ...)
debug: {
    Lambda <- unclass(x)
    p <- nrow(Lambda)
    factors <- ncol(Lambda)
    if (sort) {
        mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda))
        ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx)
        mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1
        Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p), ]
    fx <- setNames(format(round(Lambda, digits)), NULL)
    nc <- nchar(fx[1L], type = "c")
    fx[abs(Lambda) < cutoff] <- strrep(" ", nc)
    print(fx, quote = FALSE, ...)
    vx <- colSums(x^2)
    varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
    if (is.null(attr(x, "covariance"))) {
        varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx/p)
        if (factors > 1) 
            varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx/p))
    print(round(varex, digits))

Press Enter to step through line by line

debug: Lambda <- unclass(x)
debug: p <- nrow(Lambda)
debug: factors <- ncol(Lambda)
debug: if (sort) {
    mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda))
    ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx)
    mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1
    Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p), ]
debug: mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda))
debug: ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx)
debug: mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1
debug: Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p), ]

Modify function

print.loadings <- function (x, digits = 3L, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...) 
  Lambda <- unclass(x)
  p <- nrow(Lambda)
  factors <- ncol(Lambda)
  if (sort) {
    mx <- max.col(abs(Lambda))
    ind <- cbind(1L:p, mx)
    mx[abs(Lambda[ind]) < 0.5] <- factors + 1
    Lambda <- Lambda[order(mx, 1L:p), , drop = FALSE]
  fx <- setNames(format(round(Lambda, digits)), NULL)
  nc <- nchar(fx[1L], type = "c")
  fx[abs(Lambda) < cutoff] <- strrep(" ", nc)
  print(fx, quote = FALSE, ...)
  vx <- colSums(x^2)
  varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
  if (is.null(attr(x, "covariance"))) {
    varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx/p)
    if (factors > 1) 
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx/p))
  print(round(varex, digits))


print.loadings(test$loadings, sort = TRUE)

mpg  -0.895 
cyl   0.960 
disp  0.938 
hp    0.859 

SS loadings      3.342
Proportion Var   0.835

Documentation Bug exercise: Bug 17699

Summary: trivial error in persp example


# (1) The Obligatory Mathematical surface.
#     Rotated sinc function.

x <- seq(-10, 10, length = 30)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
z[] <- 1

Reported Problems:

  • implies that there are NAs - but there aren’t!
  • The limit of {10 * sin(r)/r} as x and y approach zero is 10 not 1.

Suggested Solutions:

  • Change the length to 31, so there is a single NaN and handle NAs within the function f.
  • Set z to 10, where there’s NaN(s) OR Remove the 10 *

Q1. Is this issue still present?

(Prior to R 4.2.2) Yes, ?graphics::persp has the code as shown in the bug report

  • This code still gives the same result in current R
# (1) The Obligatory Mathematical surface.
#     Rotated sinc function.

x <- seq(-10, 10, length = 30)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { 
  r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 
  10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
z[] <- 1
op <- par(bg = "white")
persp(x, y, z, theta = 30, phi = 30, 
  expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue")

Q2a: Is the reporter’s analysis correct? (NAs)

  • In the reprex, there are no NAs in z.
x <- seq(-10, 10, length = 30)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
  • If we change the length of x and y to 31, z does have NA
x <- seq(-10, 10, length = 31)
y <- x
f <- function(x, y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r }
z <- outer(x, y, f)
[1] TRUE

Q2a (ii) When is z equal to NA?

which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
     row col
[1,]  16  16
[1] 0
[1] 0

Q2b: Is the reporter’s analysis correct? (Definition)

  • The limit of {10 * sin(r)/r} as x and y approach zero is 10 not 1.

Check the definition of the sinc function e.g. on Wikipedia \[ \text{sinc } x = \frac{\sin x}{x} \] The value at \(x = 0\) is defined to be the limiting value \[ \text{sinc } 0 := \lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} = 1\]

(The full definition of f is the “rotated sinc function” which computes the sinc function for the radius of a circle centred at co-ordinates 0,0)

Q2b (ii): Why was the scaling by 10 added?

Continuing through example, a second persp plot is created from the data with axis ticks, lines and points.

  • Maybe the scaling is so the z axis labels are less crowded?
  • Maybe to simplify the code to add the sin wave (green line)?

lines (trans3d(x, y = 10, z = 6 + sin(x),
       pmat = res), col = 3)

lines (trans3d(x, y = 10, z = 0.6 + sin(x)/10,
       pmat = res), col = 3)

Q3: How should we fix the issue? (NAs)

Option 1: Change the length of x and y to 31 and handle NAs within the function f.

  • Follows the full definition of the sinc function
  • General solution for any length of x and y

Option 2 (new idea): Keep the length at 30 and don’t handle NAs at all

  • We know there are no NAs in this case
  • Simplifies example

Q3: How should we fix the issue? (Definition)

Option 1: Set z to 10 if there are any NAs

  • Don’t need to change code for second persp plot
  • Plot + code for second plot slightly neater

Option 2: Remove the scaling by 10

  • Follows the definition of the sinc function: easier to follow
  • Simplifies initial code (as in reprex)
  • Maybe we can adjust parameters to improve axis labels

What happened in the end?

Contributor proposal (via patch) R Core Reviewer
Remove handling of NAs for being unnecessary Agreed with this, after considering both options
Remove the scale of function f as not needed by definition Agreed scaling is not necessary, but also did not see a need to remove it
Changed the axes and label font size to 0.62 and 0.8 respectively to make the second graph clear Thought this a matter of taste, but did make a simpler change along these lines
Modify the z-axis values of trans3d in both points and lines to account for the removal of the scale in Thought it simpler to keep the scale


Make minimal change to fix the issue.

How to propose a fix

Comment on Bugzilla

For bug 17863 (print.loadings bug) it was enough to propose the fix in a comment

Create a patch via GitHub

Alternatively, create a patch using the r-svn mirror of the R sources:

Find source file to edit

This will create a fork of the r-svn repo on your GitHub account.

Edit the code in the browser

Committing changes will create a branch on your fork

Open a PR (1)

Open a PR (2)

Automated checks

Create a patch

Add .diff to the URL for your PR, e.g.

Right-click to save .diff file.

This patch can be attached to the Bugzilla report, with a comment.

Informal review

An advantage of creating the patch on GitHub is that you can ask another contributor to review the changes before posting on Bugzilla.

See for an example discussing the change to the persp documentation (Bug 17699).

Going forward


This demo has focused on good first issues

  • Most bug reports are not so clear
  • Many bugs in R are actually in the C code
  • Modifications to C code, or R code that is called indirectly requires re-building R to test
    • This is not as easy as using devtools to load package code

There is still lot of scope for new contributors!

Where next?

Cartoon of a rocket launching