Contributing to the R Project

Heather Turner

University of Warwick

November 16, 2023

The R Project

  • R originally first developed in 1992
  • R Core Team established in 1997
  • Use of R grown massively; issue of sustainability
    • Most core developers are volunteers
    • Many near/post retirement or in insecure positions
  • R can use your help! E.g. posts on The R Blog



By default, messages, warnings and errors are shown in the current locale.

The language can be changed with Sys.setLanguage:

> Sys.setLanguage("es")
> months[1]
Error in months[1] : objeto de tipo 'closure' no es subconjunto

If no translation is available, the English is shown:

> save()
Error in save() : 'file' must be specified
Además: Warning message:
In save() : nothing specified to be save()d

Translation via Weblate

The Weblate instance at provides a user-friendly interface for contributing translations.

Screensshot of Weblate hompage, showing three translation projects with some translation coverage summary statistics including % translated and number of unfinished strings.

Register through website to start translating (real name encouraged).

The R Project for Statistical Computing

Screenshot of the R Project for Statistical Computing project on weblate, with per package translation coverage summaries
  • Most packages have two components for strings in R and C files
  • base (R GUI) is for strings in the Windows GUI

Languages tab

Screenshot of the language tab for the R Project for Statistical Computing project, with per language translation coverage summaries
  • 17 languages in current release of R, e.g., Spanish (43% translated)
  • New languages, e.g., Catalan (34% translated)

Language-specific pages

Screenshot of the Spanish page for the R Project for Statistical Computing project, with per package translation coverage summaries

Select a component with less than 100% translation to start translating!

Component pages

Screenshot of the Base C comoponent of the Spanish translations for the R Project for Statistical Computing project, with summaries including number of translated strings, number of unfinished strings and number of untranslated strings
  • “Unfinished” can include “fuzzy” translations (English source has changed) or marked as “needs editing” in Weblate

Translation interface

Screenshot of the translation interface for translation of a specific string. Shows the english message with an empty box to type the Spanish translation

Enter the translation and “Suggest” (if unsure) or “Save and continue” (if confident).

Sidebar shows alerts and any relevant terms from glossary.


Screenshot of a suggestion for a specific string
  • “Accept” will accept suggestion, save and continue
  • “Accept and edit” accept suggestion, save and stay

Machine translation

Screenshot of the translation interface for translation of a specific string. Shows the english message with an empty box to type the Spanish translation
  • “Clone to translation” will copy and mark as “needs editing”
    • Editing will uncheck the “needs editing box”
  • “Accept” will accept suggestion, save and continue

Source String information

Screenshot showing part of the sidebar of the translation interface, including a box with source string information. This includes hyperlinks to the location of the source string in the source R or C files

Source string location, e.g. src/main/datetime.c:581

Screenshot showing a example source string location. Numbered lines of C code are shown, with one line highlighted corresponding to the line number in the hyperlink, where the source string should be located. In this case the source string is on the following line.

String approval

Dedicated reviewers (leaders of translation teams) can approve translations in Weblate

  • Approved translations can only be changed by reviewers
  • Helps ensure translation quality and consistency
  • Avoids spam translations
  • Only Brazilian Portuguese team using so far


General conventions

Language-specific guidelines

  • Spanish: neutral version of Latin American dialect
  • Catalan:
    • start with automatic translation from Softcatalà
    • follow Softcatalà guidelines

R Bugs


Bugs and wishlist items are tracked through R’s Bugzilla

Contributors can help by:

  • Reviewing bug reports
  • Debugging
  • Discussing/proposing a fix

An account is required to post comments or share files


Browsing Bugzilla

Screenshot of the home page for R's Bugzilla.

Screenshot of the home page for R's Bugzilla, with 'Browse' highlighted in the top menubar

Reviewing Documentation Bug Reports

Is this a valid documentation bug?

  • Does the report still apply to the development version of R (R-devel)?
  • Does the bug reporter correctly understand the behaviour?
  • Is the documentation currently wrong/unclear?

Add a comment if you think the bug should be closed, with a brief explanation.

If it is a bug what action should be taken?

  • Propose improvements in a comment or patch
  • Review existing patch

Note: each comment sends email to all of R Core, avoid “+1” comments!

Proposing updates in a comment

It can be clearer to propose specific changes, rather than describe the change in words.

Code can be included in comments via a markdown code chunk.

For example, this .Rd snippet proposes documentation for the vfont argument of ?text (cf. Bug 17791)

  \item{vfont}{\code{NULL} for the current font family, or a character
    vector of length 2 for \code{\link[grDevices]{Hershey}} vector fonts.
    The first element of the vector selects a typeface and the second element
    selects a style.  Ignored if \code{labels} is an expression.}

Reviewing Documentation Patch

  • Text:
    • Are changes correct?
    • Is the updated text clearer?
  • Examples:
    • Do they work?
    • Are they worthwhile?
  • Formatting: is R documentation markup correct?

Add comment to confirm patch is fine, or suggest improvements.

Proposing updates in a comment

It can be clearer to propose specific changes, rather than describe the change in words.

Code can be included in comments via a markdown code chunk.

For example, this .Rd snippet proposes documentation for the vfont argument of ?text (cf. Bug 17791)

  \item{vfont}{\code{NULL} for the current font family, or a character
    vector of length 2 for \code{\link[grDevices]{Hershey}} vector fonts.
    The first element of the vector selects a typeface and the second element
    selects a style.  Ignored if \code{labels} is an expression.}

Modifying/Creating a Patch

Patch files are created by modifying a copy of the R source code, which is version controlled with Subversion.

A few options:

  1. Install Subversion, edit file locally, use svn diff to create a patch file
    • Local settings (e.g. indentation, EOL), can create noise.
  2. Edit file in the browser on GitHub mirror, create patch by adding .diff to commit URL
    • Not so good for modifying a patch
  3. Use the R Dev Container

R Dev Container,

The R Dev Container is a GitHub Codespace that provides a development environment - VS Code running on Linux - that can be run in the browser.

Screenshot of the r-dev-env GitHub repository

Start a new Codespace

Checkout a copy of the R sources

Working from an Existing Patch

Download the patch from Bugzilla

Upload patch to Codespace

Create new patches directory

Upload patch downloaded from Bugzilla

Apply patch

Continuing in VS Code terminal, change to directory with SVN checkout

$ cd svn

Apply the uploaded patch file

$ svn patch ../patches/patch-c-rd
U         src/library/base/man/c.Rd
>         applied hunk @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ with offset -1
>         applied hunk @@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ with offset -1

The line numbers in the patch are off by 1 due to changes since the patch was created.

Create an updated patch

The file can be opened in VS code for further editing

$ code open src/library/base/man/c.Rd

After making changes create a new patch, e.g.

svn diff > patches/patch-c-rd-v2

The file can be downloaded from the codespace to attach with a comment on Bugzilla

Updated patch

Index: src/library/base/man/c.Rd
--- src/library/base/man/c.Rd   (revision 85035)
+++ src/library/base/man/c.Rd   (working copy)
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
   \code{c} is sometimes used for its side effect of removing attributes
   except names, for example to turn an \code{\link{array}} into a vector.
   \code{as.vector} is a more intuitive way to do this, but also drops
-  names.  Note that methods other than the default are not required
-  to do this (and they will almost certainly preserve a class attribute).
+  names.  Note that \code{c} methods other than the default are not required
+  to strip attributes (and they will almost certainly preserve a class attribute).
   This is a \link{primitive} function.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   attribute-free vectors.
+c(1, 7:9)
 c(1:5, 10.5, "next")
 ## uses with a single argument to drop attributes
@@ -87,9 +87,8 @@
 ## but rather
 c(ll, d = list(1:3))  # c() combining two lists
+## descend through lists:
 c(list(A = c(B = 1)), recursive = TRUE)
-c(options(), recursive = TRUE)
 c(list(A = c(B = 1, C = 2), B = c(E = 7)), recursive = TRUE)

These are the changes that were made in the end by R Core member, Sebastian Meyer (view on GitHub mirror).


Reviewing Code Bug Reports

Similar to reviewing documentation bugs, but more potential actions:

  • Add a reprex (minimal, reproducible example) if necessary
  • Analyse the bug
    • Identify the root cause
    • Identify the correct behaviour

Bug analysis is often the most time-consuming part

Bug analysis example: bug 17616

Good behaviour

> lm(uptake~C(Treatment, "contr.treatment"), CO2)
lm(formula = uptake ~ C(Treatment, "contr.treatment"), data = CO2)

                           (Intercept)  C(Treatment, "contr.treatment")chilled  
                                 30.64                                   -6.86

Bad behaviour

> lm(uptake~C(Treatment, contr.treatment), CO2)
lm(formula = uptake ~ C(Treatment, contr.treatment), data = CO2)

                   (Intercept)  C(Treatment, contr.treatment)2  
                         30.64                           -6.86

Isolate the problem

Check if the bad behaviour comes from the C function

> with(CO2, C(Treatment, contr.treatment))
 [1] nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled
 [9] nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled
[17] nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled chilled    chilled    chilled   
[25] chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled   
[33] chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled   
[41] chilled    chilled    nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled
[49] nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled
[57] nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled nonchilled chilled   
[65] chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled   
[73] chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled   
[81] chilled    chilled    chilled    chilled   
nonchilled 0
chilled    1
Levels: nonchilled chilled

Debugging C()

> debugonce(`C`)
> with(CO2, C(Treatment, contr.treatment))
debugging in: C(Treatment, contr.treatment)
debug: {
    if (isFALSE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_OPTIONS_STRINGS_AS_FACTORS_")))) 
        object <- as.factor(object)
    if (!nlevels(object)) 
        stop("object not interpretable as a factor")
    if (!missing(contr) && <- substitute(contr))) 
        contr <- switch(as.character(Xcontr), poly = "contr.poly", 
            helmert = "contr.helmert", sum = "contr.sum", treatment = "contr.treatment", 
            SAS = "contr.SAS", contr)
    if (missing(contr)) {
        oc <- getOption("contrasts")
        contr <- if (length(oc) < 2L) 
            if (is.ordered(object)) 
            else contr.treatment
        else oc[1 + is.ordered(object)]
    if (missing(how.many) && missing(...)) 
        contrasts(object) <- contr
    else {
        if (is.character(contr)) 
            contr <- get(contr, mode = "function")
        if (is.function(contr)) 
            contr <- contr(nlevels(object), ...)
        contrasts(object, how.many) <- contr

Press Enter to step through line by line

debug: if (isFALSE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_OPTIONS_STRINGS_AS_FACTORS_")))) object <- as.factor(object)
debug: if (!nlevels(object)) stop("object not interpretable as a factor")
debug: if (!missing(contr) && <- substitute(contr))) contr <- switch(as.character(Xcontr), 
    poly = "contr.poly", helmert = "contr.helmert", sum = "contr.sum", 
    treatment = "contr.treatment", SAS = "contr.SAS", contr)

debug: contrasts(object) <- contr

Test code at this point

Browse[2]> contrasts(object) <- contr
Browse[2]> contrasts(object)
nonchilled 0
chilled    1
Browse[2]> contrasts(object) <- "contr.treatment"
Browse[2]> contrasts(object)
nonchilled       0
chilled          1

Now isolated bug to `contrasts<-`()

Debugging `contrasts<-`()

> debugonce(`contrasts<-`)
> with(CO2, C(Treatment, contr.treatment))

debug: if (is.function(value)) value <- value(nlevels(x))
Browse[2]> value(nlevels(x))
1 0
2 1
Browse[2]> value(levels(x))
nonchilled       0
chilled          1

We’ve found a possible root cause!

Testing changes to a function

One option: create our own version of `contrasts<-`()

  • Can compare to stats::`contrasts<-`()
  • C would still use stats::`contrasts<-`() so can’t test if it solve original problem

Alternative: Build R from source! This let’s us

  • Modify code (including C code if required)
  • Run our own test code
  • Run R’s regression tests
  • Create a patch

We can use the R Dev Container again! Instructions are in the README.

Building R

In the terminal of the GitHub codespace, make a directory using the BUILDDIR environment variable and switch to that directory.

$ mkdir -p $BUILDDIR

Run the configure script from the SVN checkout

"$TOP_SRCDIR/configure" --enable-R-shlib --without-recommended-packages

Make R


Run regression tests to check build

make check

Install as the default version

sudo make install

Start R

R can be started using the VS Code command palette, opened with Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + P

A new R terminal is opened alongside the bash terminal.

Scrolling to the top, we can confirm the development version of R is being used

Building customised R

Edit files in the SVN checkout to make desired changes.

For example, we can edit the definition of contrasts<-`() in src/library/stats/R/contrast.R,

This file can be opened in VS Code using the files explorer, or from the bash terminal with

code open $TOP_SRCDIR/src/library/stats/R/contrast.R

Re-run make

make check
sudo make install

Will only re-build what is necessary!

Open new R terminal to test out your changes.

Creating a patch

A patch can be created with svn diff as before.

This can be uploaded to Bugzilla with a comment giving a summary of your bug analysis and the proposed fix.

In some cases, some extra work may be needed:

  • updating corresponding the help file
  • providing some test code that may be added to the regression tests

Usually best to get feedback on proposed patch first.



  • Official place for discussion: R-devel mailing list
    • Check if expected behaviour is a bug
    • See if there is support for a wishlist item
  • Community support via
    • R Contributor Slack
    • R Development Guide
    • Demos & tutorials
    • Calendar of events, including contributor office hours

Cartoon of a rocket launching